


Stay-At-Home Playlists


Bad news: we’re all stuck at home. Good news: you can listen to music all day long!

The ArtsQuest staff is here to help you pass the time with Spotify playlists of their favorite genres. So crank it up, give a listen and remember to wash your dang hands.

(Oh, and if you need even more, check our our playlists of 2020 Musikfest headliners!)

Ben’s Home Circle Pit Playlist

ArtsQuest Marketing Manager Ben Youngerman is our resident metalhead. While you’re stuck at home, move the coffee table out of the way and headbang away your stress to these (new-ish) blast beat ragers!

Jon’s Ska Revival Playlist

Skank it up it the comfort of your own home with this selection of ska punk tunes from 2017-today from ArtsQuest Director of Marketing Jon Lunger!

Nicole’s Art Making Playlist

A curated list of songs that Visual Arts Specialist Nicole Gencarelli listens to as she works on different art projects.

Addy’s Relaxing Movie Scores of Whimsy & Merriment

This playlist combines scores of whimsy, magic, and calm. From classics like Pride and Prejudice and Lord of the Rings, to some newer scores like Little Women and Emma. There may even be a track from Shrek hiding in here?? (There is, it’s great.) This playlist from Addy Young, our Cinema & Comedy Coordinator, will surely keep you in a good mode whilst you work from home.

Alli’s Celebrating Female Indie-Pop Playlist

Enjoy this mix of upbeat and mellow indie songs fronted by powerful females, all compiled by Performing Arts Assistant, Alli Poczak. This playlist is perfect for brightening her mood, and hopefully yours too.

Shayna’s “Please Don’t Think Of This As A Downer” Playlist ft. 2000’s Indie Rock Bands

No seriously – hear her out. Shayna, our Performing Arts Specialist, put some upbeat tunes on here, too. Lyrically, some of these songs make you think – how do musicians create music that evoke feelings able to transcend when they came out? Listen to this to hopefully not feel so alone. We get you.

Anne’s Chill Songs for WFH Playlist

So, you may not discover your favorite song to jam out to, and you definitely won’t find your new gym hits, but if you’re like our Sr. Talent Buyer Anne Sturm and need good songs that WON’T distract you from getting work done, you know, like will keep you 90% focused on THE JOB – then here we go 😉

Alicia’s Country Summer Playlist

A compilation of our Sr. Marketing & Sponsorship Coordinator Alicia Rohrbach’s favorite songs to listen to with the windows rolled down. Self-distancing and waiting for summer to arrive.

Anthony’s Great Movie Songs of the 2010s Playlist

Whether it’s as obvious as “Let it Go” or the more underrated like “Glasgow,” there’s no denying the 2010s were a great decade for movie songs. Here’s a few of ArtsQuest Cinema-Comedy Specialist Anthony DeSanctis’ favorites.

Need more music? Enjoy these BONUS MUSIKFEST PLAYLISTS!